Sunday 18 August 2013

The ever growing web of advertisements

After a tiring and a stressful week long office schedule, finally came the Sunday to give me solace. With no pressure to speed up things to meet office check-in deadlines, I sat in my balcony with a cup of coffee and today’s Newspaper. Admiring the beautiful morning skyline of Mumbai, I took a sip of coffee. A sense of calmness spread across my mind.

I took the newspaper to read the latest news. Much to my amusement, entire first page was filled with the Reliance Fresh advertisement displaying varieties of products at the discounted rates. With the sense of frustration, I turned my page hoping for the news articles. To add to my anger, 2nd page was filled with a Hero Honda’s commercial ad displaying their newly launched motorcycle. Virat Kohli was promoting a shaving razor brand on the 3rd page. Just when I was putting the newspaper aside, few pamphlets came out from the newspaper. Apparently I was again fallen prey to the promotion of a local retail store, a local food chain and two other local businesses.

After the annoying newspaper reading encounter, I decided to go out and meet a friend. As I stepped outside my house, Sunny deol was staring at me wearing his lux cozi and Salman khan was offering me a Thumps up bottle. Within a few steps distance, two more road side hoardings came to my sight. I boarded a local bus and sat at a window seat. A moment later I noticed a small television attached at the upper corner. Sharma English teaching academy and Carron Saari promoted their respective businesses.

Soon, I realized that my whole world was filled with Ads. Local radio channels, trains, taxis, TV channels, my mobile inbox, emails, websites, everywhere. Youtube also makes you watch 20 seconds of Ad before allowing you the access of your favorite videos. IPL makes you watch 2.5 minutes of Ads twice per inning under the name of Strategic timeout. Even our Facebook walls nowadays are more filled with suggested or promoted posts than your friends status updates.

Ever wonder, what our world has turned into. It is the web of Advertisement and it is constantly growing. The fact is that, every business, doesn’t matter how small or big it is, needs publicity to sustain and scale. In doing so, they are in constant search of newer means and dimensions of marketing. Ads have started to go into many chattered territories, reaching never-seen-before places.

The day is not far when this spider will reach your dreams. 

Saturday 10 August 2013

Work can be fun

Work can be fun
by Amit Ananda Nimonkar
on 10/8/2013

My friend and I were waiting for our coffee at the CCD counter. The CCD guy announced “Tropical iceberg” and placed one glass in front of us. I asked him, “Where’s the second one? I ordered for two!” “You ordered for two?” “Yes!” I replied, a little irritated. Smiling, he brought out the other glass from behind the counter, which we hadn't seen before. “Ah, there it is! Thank you.” I left the counter smiling.
I realized from the guy at the counter, that work can be fun if we want it to be. Probably someone else in his place would say, “I have such a boring job. All I do is make coffee every day.” We could very well apply the fun aspect to our life as well. We often find ourselves doing similar work, day in and day out. So what is it that we could do to make work fun? We certainly don’t need to hide some poor person’s coffee every time.
I think the easiest way to make work fun is to interact as much as you can with your own team mates, people around you. It would not only give you a fresh perspective on things, but also would be a welcome break from say coding at a long stretch. It also ensures excellent co-ordination, because you could easily explain something to someone with whom you share a good rapport.
Playing sports, going to the gym, taking part in events; we could use everything at office to make work fun. Effectively managing our work to do everything we love is important to ensuring work is fun. Nay, it’s also the key to happiness.